Saturday, May 25, 2013

But before we said GOOD BYE to Ambassadors.....

.... who have stepped down from their position after a year of service, we asked four of them to tell us few things about their Ambassadorship experience - thank you Danilo, Brenna, Clara and Carlos for sharing your thoughts!

And we talked about........

.... why did you choose to get involved as a student leader in LAS? 

One of the answers was... "because I wanted to compete with my sister..." :-) [who also was an Ambassador in LAS]. And here are other replies:

Then we talked about lessons learned.....

.... so what have you learned about leadership through your service as an LAS Ambassador?

.... that to get respect you need to respect others first.... that you cannot make everyone happy and ..... open the file and listen what else is there!

We continued and so you can listen what Danilo, Brenna, Clara and Carlos think was the greatest thing during their Ambassadorship....

 .... what has been your most memorable experience as an Ambassador?

Last but not the least I asked them what would be your advice to students who are not sure if they should become a school leader, who are not sure if they would be able to pursue a leadership role in our school?

..... be committed.... you may be surprised with your ability....

Friday, May 24, 2013

Woohoo! First projects done....!!

Congratulations on first projects and initiatives done by the new Ambassadors!

And so, B-day Bandits in Beau Site (Nimasu and Dana on the photo) and BEC Girls (Katrine and Josephine) offered surprise B-day gifts to the girls in their dorms:

Maddie with Jil's help organized ice cream party for BS girls who were on sport teams this year.

Yu and Alex from Eden dorm organized a FIFA game night and Carlos surprised all the boys with snacks during study hall break.

Erinn (helped yesterday by Amara) took over from last year's Ambassadors and runs BEC Girls dorm store:

Savoy boys organized a soccer tournament - bravo Saudi team for winning it!

Ania from BEC Girls created and organized new kitchen use policy - no more dirty & unwanted dishes ;-)

And who takes care of hungry bellies of our Savoy and BEC B boys?  

Joaqim and Danilo run food orders in Savoy....

... and Eric with Artem continue dorm store in BEC Boys.

And there is more to come! Stay tuned! This post will be expanded next week!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Bye!

Last Friday we met - two Ambassadors groups together - and said "Good bye" to the group that steps down and in most part finishes their time with LAS.

Thank you for your service!

It was a pleasure to work with you!

We wish you good luck in all projects and adventures you will undertake in the future!

Ms. Krause & Ms. Meyskens & Mr. Fryer & New Ambassadors

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ambassadors Code of Conduct

The new LAS Ambassadors have been working hard the last three weeks on projects for this Spring and also the upcoming school year. 

They also took part in three workshop sessions where we discussed ambassadorship, traits of a leader and self-evaluation.

During one of the sessions they came up with a Code of Conduct for LAS Ambassadors. Each of them received a copy of this Code and signed it.

It is a road sign for them, an ideal which they all will strive to uphold during their Ambassadorship.

Keep you fingers crossed and support them with keeping up to the standards they proposed!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome new group of LAS Ambassadors!!!

Congratulations to all of you who, among many candidates, were chosen to become LAS Ambassadors for the school year 2013-14! 

Good luck in your Ambassador role!

And now - meet them all:

Vermont Dorm - Nimasu and Dana

Eden Dorm - Mike, Alex and Yu

Beau Site Dorm - Renata, Fatimah, Maria and Maddie

Savoy Dorm - Majed, Joaqim, Danilo, Georgy, Sergii, Brendan and Stanley

BEC Girls Dorm - Miranda, Sydney, Erinn, Katrine and in the back Jill, Josephine and Ania

BEC Boys Dorm - Ylber, Albert, Artem, Eric, Carlos and Jonas.