Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ambassadors are working hard - Part II

WOW!! Big bravo to all of Ambassadors that so far organized great events in their dorms!

Joaquin held a Sunday soccer tournament in Savoy. 

Max Kozlov, Andrew and Joquin have worked hard doing food orders for always hungry Savoy boys.

Maegan and Betty organized surprise meeting in BS with snacks.

Ruchi organized FIFA tournament in Savoy - congratulations to Julius Wnendt for winning this one!

Dasha with big help from Meagan, Betty, Liza M. and Nomundari & Francesca set up a great BBQ in BS as a prize for wining the Winter Dorm Olympics. It was windy and cold but the spirits were HIGH!

Lai Yan and Bea set up a yoga session & healthy snack party for IB seniors in BEC Girls dorm, wow, it was a feast!

Alina, Liza G., Masha and Nimasu cooked a special brunch for Vermont girls - again, soooooo delicious!

Vova, Sasha and Konstantin planted some flowers and plants for the BEC B dorm - what a great idea! Thank you, Mr. Leonhard, for your help!

UFFF! It waa a busy weekend but we had so much fun!

Stay tuned! Two more projects are coming ;-)